Drugs as dangerous as junk food. Here is the list


‘Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food,’ recommends Hippocrates (

460 B.C.E. – 377 B.C.E.)

In his treatise “Ancient Medicine. After 2,500 years that advice is more valid than ever. But in some circumstances food is no longer enough to cure the disease and medication is needed, with pros and cons to be carefully weighed. A significant amount of pharmaceuticals is in fact more dangerous than useful. This is recalled by Prescrire, the leading French scientific journal on drugs. Which as with every February-for the past 5 years-publishes a report on drugs to avoid, the result of careful monitoring that began in 2010 and is constantly updated.

The latest report, published in February 2017, is a true sampler of horrors. Lists all drugs whose risk-benefit ratio indicates an established hazard. The list includes drugs indicated for the treatment of serious diseases but also so-called symptomatic drugs . Often useless products that are purchased without a prescription and enjoy expensive and insistent advertising campaigns.

Here is the list of drugs to avoid

Just as in nutrition it is essential to discardjunk food, so in choosing medications it is vital to minimize their intake. And carefully avoid those on Prescrire‘s blacklist. The list is contained in the pdf attached at the bottom of the page. For ease of reading, we have grouped the drugs by pathology. For each active ingredient, the products on the market in Italy appear, according to the database of Aifa, the National Drug Agency. For each product, we report the warnings and conclusions of Prescrire, which very often reports alternative molecules that are more effective and otherwise less dangerous than those blacklisted.

Before reading the list of dangerous drugs, it is good to remember that any therapeutic changes should be agreed upon with the treating physician. Better yet by pointing him to the work of Prescrire, a respected group of researchers independent of the power of the pharmaceutical industry.



Here is the list of drugs to avoid, reported by the French scientific journal Prescrire


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