Never again eggs from hens forced into cage. Named in ‘End the Cage Era’ petition., also Conad decides to remove all eggs from caged hens from the shelf, effective 1.7.19. Better late than never.
Nightmare eggs
A life of dogs, or rather chickens. Caged hens suffer constant suffering. Their beaks are amputated at birth to prevent them from injuring each other in the cramped spaces where they are confined. Cages where the area per laying hen is less than that of an A4 sheet. They cannot move or spread their wings; their bones are brittle and often suffer injuries.
21 million hens in Italy, 65 percent of the total
, are still raised this way. Their eggs are predominantly for egg production as consumersAre learning to choose eggs from free-range hens. Therefore, it is necessary to continue the work of informing and raising public awareness so that the torture of birds will cease as soon as possible.
Large-scale retail (GDO) has been able to respond to the sensitivity expressed by consumers. Even to anticipate it in the case of Coop Italia, which already since 2010 has excluded from its shelves all eggs-under its own and third-party brands-from hens raised in cages. Auchan, Carrefour and Esselunga in turn took action, seven years later.
Eggs from free-range hens, what initials on the shell
Eggs from free-range hens cost a few cents more than the others. There are several options, always indicated on the label as well as on the initials stamped on the shell of each egg. In fact, each code corresponds to a specific breeding method.
– Raised on the ground, code 2
– Raised outdoors, code 1
– Organic, code 0. In organic farming – in addition to freedom of movement
–feeding with organic, strictly non-GMO feed is guaranteed.
Antibiotic-free eggs, another Coop Italy initiative, deserve their own attention. Also compared with organic ones.
Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".