Dangerous PFAS contaminants could be eliminated from the blood in two hours. An Italian study (Pavan et al., 2024) published in Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation tested a promising technique. (1)
A systematic review
The need to eliminate perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from the blood is dictated by the correlation between their presence and the onset of various pathologies, including testicular and kidney cancer. (2)
In the study, conducted at the International Institute for Research on Renal Diseases (IRRIV) in Vicenza, researchers developed ‘an in vitro hemadsorption model to test the potential for PFAS removal via extracorporeal treatment’.
Cleaning in two hours
To simulate the ‘cleaning’ of the human blood, four liters of water highly contaminated with PFAS were used.
The liquid after just two hours of treatment with a particular absorbent cartridge was found to be almost free of all 39 PFAS compounds researched.
‘For PFAS compounds with concentrations significantly higher than normal, we observed a removal ratio close to 90% already within the first 60 min of circulation, leading to the almost complete elimination of all pollutants at 120 min‘, write the authors of the study.
From theory to practice
The next step is to test the technique in vivo to normalize PFAS concentrations in people exposed to water or environmental pollution.
Right in Veneto (Italy North-East), where the International Kidney Disease Research Institute is located, there was the most serious and prolonged water contamination by PFAS so far confirmed in the world. (3)
The emergency is not over
Although remedial measures have been taken for drinking water, the population of the Venetian ‘red zone’ remains exposed to PFAS through
– the consumption of zero km foods, grown in contaminated soil,
– the use of water from private (contaminated) wells e
– the spreading of pesticides, also with PFAS, which remain on fruit and vegetables, as documented by PAN Europe. (4)
Marta Strinati
(1) Pavan P, Lorenzin A, Chiementin L, Perin N, de Cal M, Brendolan A, Morisi N, Zanella M, Ronco C. Extracorporeal removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by hemoadsorption: in vitro kinetic model. Blood Purif. 2024 Mar 15. doi: 10.1159/000538179. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38493768.
(2) Marta Strinati. PFAS substances are carcinogenic, IARC confirms. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade).
(3) Marta Strinati, Ylenia Patti Giammello. PFAS pollution, almost four thousand more deaths in 30 Veneto municipalities. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade).
(4) Marta Strinati. PFAS in non-organic fruits and vegetables through pesticides. PAN Europe study. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade).
Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".