Glyphosate, civil society exposes fraud ahead of 10-year renewal in EU

glifosate rinnovo denuncia società civile

Member states are set to vote on a 10-year renewal to the EU’s glyphosate authorization, while civil society charges the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office with scientific fraud by Bayer – Monsanto, for concealing studies on the neurotoxicity of the venomous herbicide.

1) Glyphosate, the proposed 10-year renewal in the EU.

The European Commission-after taking a Solomonic opinion from EFSA, which found ‘no substantial risk’ except to note a lack of data on essential elements to affirm its absence (1)-ultimately proposed the renewal of glyphosate use authorization in the EU for another 10 years. (2) So much for the precautionary principle and the vain promises in the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy of a drastic reduction to the use of toxic chemicals in agriculture.

The member states-at the meeting of ministerial delegates at the SCoPAFF (Standing Committee for Plants, Animals, Food and Feed) on Sept. 22, 2023-in turn voted in favor of a 10-year renewal to the use of glyphosate. Therefore, the final green light from the Council, October 12, 2023, is awaited. Reconfirming, where ever doubted, the overwhelming power of the four Corporations that control the global pesticide and seed market (Big 4). (3)

2) Toxicologist Alberto Mantovani’s analysis.

Alberto Mantovani – internationally renowned Italian toxicologist, research manager at ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy) as well as member of the EFSA panel dedicated to feed and pesticides for 15 years – analyzes the ‘European Food Safety Authority’ assessment on ‘glyphosate,’ and its logical consequences:

– ‘EFSA highlights a risk to birds and mammals in most exposure scenarios, in addition to

significant (and surprising) #data gaps regarding toxicology (developmentalneurotoxicity ), #residue exposure, and ecotoxicology (aquatic plant toxicity).

True, there are no critical issues that preclude reauthorization. However, based on EFSA’s assessment, a precautionary reduction in human and ecosystem exposure is warranted.

Therefore, the consistent and reasonable risk management conclusion should consider significant restrictions of use regarding the types of crops that can be treated and/or the duration of treatment and/or doses of use‘ (Alberto Mantovani). (4)

3) Scientific fraud and concealed studies

Meanwhile, civil society-through the European associations PAN (Pesticide Action Network), in which ISDE participates, and Global 2000-has filed a complaint against Bayer – Monsanto with the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office. In addition to the various scientific frauds also denounced on this site, the Corporation continues to conceal studies demonstrating the harmful effects of glyphosate when applying for renewal of its permits (5,6,7). Risk assessment authorities, ECHA in particular, do not appear to have paid attention to various adverse evidence (8,9).

European legislation states that pesticide manufacturers must report on all studies on the potentially harmful effects of active substances, in this case glyphosate (…), including those commissioned by them and those in the scientific literature. Bayer’s current permit application disregards most of the publications indicating that glyphosate has harmful effects on the nervous system (neurotoxicity)‘ (PAN Europe).

4) Correlations between glyphosate and autism.

In particular, the European associations denounce the concealment of two scientific studies:

  • an epidemiological study showing that children whose mothers were exposed to glyphosate during pregnancy are more likely to be affected by the autism spectrum,
  • a study commissioned by Syngenta (which is part of the consortium seeking reauthorization of glyphosate) on the neurotoxic effects of the substance.

The second study cited, conducted in Sweden, shows ‘significant behavioral disturbances in young mice whose mothers were exposed to glyphosate during pregnancy at a dose that is currently considered safe by EU authorities.’ (10)

Dario Dongo


(1) Dario Dongo, Alessandra Mei. EFSA glosses over the safety risks of glyphosate. ‘Stop Glyphosate! GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 22.7.23

(2) European Commission. Draft Implementing Regulation on renewing the approval of the active substance glyphosate in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009

(3) Dario Dongo. Seeds, the 4 masters of the world. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 15.1.19

(4) Dario Dongo. Pesticides and the microbiome, interview with Prof. Alberto Mantovani. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 22.5.19

(5) Dario Dongo, Fabrizio Adorni. Glyphosate, fake studies used by Bayer for renewal of authorization. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 8.12.19

(6) Dario Dongo. Glyphosate and GMO soybeans, the big scam. Scientific study. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 6.1.20

(7) Dario Dongo. How the agrochemical industry hides the toxicity of pesticides. New studies. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 13.6.23

(8) Peter Clausing, Siegfried Knasmueller, Christopher J. Portier (2023). Glyphosate and
Oxidative Stress: ECHA’s superficial approach neglects existing hazards. Zenodo (open access)

(9) Dario Dongo. Glyphosate, European Chemical Agency Echa report overlooks the falsity of data produced by Monsanto. Corporation now on trial in U.S.. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 17.3.17

(10) Pesticides Action Network Europe. Glyphosate in the EU up to 2034?
Danger to health and environment and violation of citizens will. Press release. 20.9.23

(11) For more information,

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.