Mayday, storming labels, registers and menus


Mayday, storm labels registers and menus. May 9, 2018 triggers the application of Leg. 231/17, which implements and sanctions offenses related to EU Reg. 1169/11.

Mayday (from m’aidez , help!) is the signal that since 1927 has replaced SOS to express alarm situations. Technology has since evolved-from the radiotelegraph to the web – but the alarm about consumer information regarding food products is still more than relevant today.

May 9, 2018 comes into effect on legislative decree 231/17 implementing in Italy the provisions on consumer information and introduces the penalty regime related to this.

The operators involved are about 1.4 million. From primary agricultural production to food processing (industrial and artisanal). New responsibilities loom over distribution (traditional, organized



) as well as on the collectivities


Sanctions introduced by Legislative Decree 231/17 are of a pecuniary administrative nature, ranging from a minimum of €500 to a maximum of €40,000, and are divided into 5 brackets. In relation to the seriousness of the offenses. Subject to criminal law enforcement, in both cases of f

rode in commerce

and threat to public health


The competent authorities

are the ICQRF and

first and foremost

, without excluding the others already delegated to controls in the various areas.

The examples of unacceptable rule violations-which must be urgently prosecuted-are wasted. The most serious are those of health importance, on the subject of indicating the allergens in particular. (2) The rules are crystal clear and yet systematically violated, by the majority of operators.

More examples concern fraud in trade, which is often in the public eye. Deception on geographical indications

and quantity of characteristic ingredients

, name

and composition of the products.

A Free eBook

– ‘

1169 penis. Reg. EU 1169/11, food news, controls and penalties‘ has been published by us and made available to all. With the invitation, which is renewed here, to wish to make an albeit symbolic donation to

Food Allergy Italy


And now all to work, let’s put an end to Mayday!

Dario Dongo


(1) That is, bars and public establishments-including bakeries, ice cream parlors, fast food and take-away shops-as well as canteens (school, hospital, corporate) and caterers

(2) Serious label nonconformities of some industrial giants such as Nestlé, Lindt, Barilla.

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.