Protocol 24.4.20 – shared by the social partners and attached to the DPCM 26.4.20 – complements and updates the‘measures to combat and contain the spread of Covid-19 virus in the workplace’ contained in Protocol 14.3.20. This introduces phase 2 of the emergency, learning to live with the virus in the gradual resumption of work activities. ABC to follow.
Protocol 24.4.20 is a guideline aimed at public and private organizations whose managers need to adopt effective safety protocols for combating and containing the spread of COVID-19 in workplaces and related activities.
Priority objective is to balance economic and labor needs with effectively ensuring a high level of prevention of infection from a highly transmissible virus. Even at the cost of sacrificing some production activities that may be reduced or suspended, on a temporary basis, in favor of those considered more strategic.
Rarefaction of presences (in workplaces and their immediate surroundings) is the essential tool to prevent transmission of the new coronavirus in its primary form, direct contact. Since infection can also occur through asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic individuals, it is imperative to ensure social distancing through the reorganization of spaces, with regulated access and predefined routes.
Learning to live with the virus requires a cultural revolution that must be shared and enriched by the experience of the workers themselves. In a logic of precaution. In compliance with:
– procedures defined in each organization,
– guidance from the Health Authority,
– National, regional and local standards.
Work organization in Covid-19 era
The recommendations already established in Protocol 14.3.20, to whose analysis reference is made, are confirmed. First of all, the organization of work must continue to refer to the following basic criteria:
– Agile work, with a long-term perspective,
– vacation and leave, in the logic of rarefying attendance in workplaces,
– Suspension of non-essential activities in preparation for Phase 3.
Active role of employers. The seven priorities
The active role of the legal representatives of each organization is emphasized. Who must adopt appropriate procedures and precautionary measures. Based on ananalysis of the risk of contagion, which considers the specific characteristics of places and ways of working.
Seven priorities, duties and responsibilities on employers.
1) Information to all workers and anyone accessing spaces managed by the organization, through signs and specific instructions, on:
– dangerous conditions. Hyperthermia, flu symptoms (respiratory and gastrointestinal), contact with Covid-19 positive persons,
– Obligation to comply with the provisions of the employer (in addition to the established rules and any directions of the authorities),
– obligation to promptly report any flu symptoms or other dangerous conditions.
2) Regulation of access for staff and vendors. Body temperature measurement, restriction and modulation of entrances (with predefined times and routes to ensure ‘rarefaction’ of attendance), prohibition of entry for external drivers, separate toilets for workers and visitors (including external parties deputized for cleaning, on-call and maintenance services, contract work, logistics).
3) Daily cleaning at the end of shift, periodic sanitization of rooms, rooms, workstations and tools, areas and objects of common use. Special attention to sanitizing electronic instruments and contingency in the use of common spaces.
4) Personal hygiene precautions and use of PPE, ensuring effective compliance. With focus on hand sanitization and use of masks.
5) Corporate reorganization of activities. Priority to essential departments, distribution of activities over several shifts and work groups (autonomous, distinct and recognizable), staggered entry and exit times, limits and any additional precautions on internal travel, meetings, transfers, business trips.
6) Timely management of hazardous conditions and careful medical surveillance (with utmost attention to frail individuals).
7) Verification of compliance with the rules. At the intra-company, territorial, sectoral level, through special committee.
Verba volant, scripta manent
. Reason (about every possible risk situation), define (every suitable measure to mitigate it), protocol and share, apply and verify.
Amaranta Traversa, Sarah Lanzilli, Claudio Biglia, Dario Dongo
(on the cover, drawings by Cristiano Rea)
(1) DPCM 26.4.20, Annex 6. Shared protocol for the regulation of measures to combat and contain the spread of Covid-19 virus in the workplace between the government and social partners on April 24, 2020