Ita.Bio, new tools for Made in Italy organic exports


Ita.Bio is the platform developed by FederBio and ICE (Agency for the Promotion Abroad and Internationalization of Italian Companies) to promote the export of organic Made in Italy. With a focus on the US and China, as well as the ecommerce channel.

Ita.Bio, a selection of Italian organic

The Ita.Bio platform is activated on a basket of Italian organic products with the greatest potential for growth in foreign markets, including throughecommerce.

Fundamental is market analysis and data sharing(market intelligence). 3 main functionalities are activated: Tracking & Market Measurement, Support for promotion in international markets, Communication.

The numbers of organic

Tracking & Market Measurement makes it possible to assess organic development opportunities in relation to various parameters. Numbers of organic in target markets, purchasing patterns and ecommerce shares, consumption patterns.

A survey entrusted to Nomisma will assess export growth potentials. The data will be presented at SANA Restart in Bologna as part of the Bio Revolution event.

The FederBio-ICE desk

Support for promotion in international markets of the Ita.Bio platform should be based on business intelligence activities entrusted to the network of ICE offices in different countries.

The FederBio-ICE Desk, established at the Agri-Food & Wine Offices at ICE headquarters in Rome, should then provide operational support to individual operators in markets of their interest.

Italian bio at international fairs

The revival of organic Made in Italy in China and the U.S. includes organizing a presence, both institutional and corporate, at trade fairs. Those in Xiamen (Ciofe, November 2020) and New York(Summer Fancy Food, June 2021), first and foremost.

The participation of Italian companies in the next edition of Biofach, the international trade fair for the sector (in Nuremberg, February 2021) is in turn supported with a public contribution.

The post-Covid boost to ecommerce and health care

‘Markets are picking up again’ with a strong acceleration toward the digital economy, and with this in mind, in the past months ICE has worked to significantly strengthen its actions to support businesses in order to be able to assist them more and more in the transition to digital, from thee-commerce to virtual fairs, from the blockchain for brand protection to the training of digital export managers’.

The Ita.Bio Platform therefore fits right into this new reality of international trade, particularly in the current historical moment where the health of populations has taken on a fundamental role in all economies and so have organic food choices.’
(Carlo Ferro, president of ICE).

Ita.Bio, the right tool at the right time

‘We are in a decisive phase for the development of organic farming, promoted also by the new strategies recently launched by the European Commission that make organic farming a key axis for the growth of the agri-food system. The partnership with ICE offers an important opportunity to expand Italian organic products internationally’.

‘The Ita.Bio platform represents a concrete support tool for all operators in the industry. Also important is the establishment of a FederBio desk within the ICE offices in Rome. In addition to the possibility of encouraging the presence of Italian companies and collectives at major international trade fairs’ (Maria Grazia Mammuccini, FederBio president).

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".