Coop launches operation transparency


The origin of raw materials at the click of a mouse. This is the initiative inaugurated by Coop Italia, which has placed all information on the origin of ingredients used in its branded products on the portal.

The transparency operation covers 1,400 everyday references, from tomato puree to milk, yogurt, cereals, vegetable preserves and whatnot. Excluded are only those commodities where indication of origin is already required by law, such as fruit and vegetables and beef, or by Coop’s specifications, such as poultry and pork.

Querying the ‘online’ database is done by typing in the bar code or product name. Indications of origin are available for primary ingredients, quantitatively and/or qualitatively. For minor ones, a specific request can be activated.
An App has also been created to make it easier to consult the website on the origins of raw materials. Customers who do not use the web still have information material available, in the more than 1,400 Coop stores in Italy.


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