Federconsorzi 2, AgriRevi, AIPO (Unaprol). Golden business for Coldiretti’s magic circle


The golden deals of Coldiretti’s magic circle continue, in the saga of Federconsorzi 2 aka CAI (Consorzi Agrari d’Italia) SpA, AgriRevi and AIPO (UNAPROL), champion of EU fund collections with €11.4 million bestowed by AGEA’s Papa Pagliardini in 2019 alone.

Some of the protagonists recur in the investigations of Luca Palamara, faccendiere Fabrizio Centofanti, and ex-premier Giuseppe Conte, among others. #CleanSpades.

Federconsorzi 2, Giuseppina Ivone and Fabrizio Di Marzio

Giuseppina Ivone has assumed the position of chairman of the board of directors of Consorzi Agrari d’Italia S.p.A, aka Federconsorzi 2. Following the resignation of Prof. Hon. Rainer Masera (150 k€/year).

Fabrizio Di Marzio, on the other hand, has assumed the position of board member of Società Consortile Consorzi Agrari S.C.p.A., a founding member of Federconsorzi 2. (1). In addition to the assignments of

– head of Legal Area of Coldiretti (400 thousand euros/year or so, according to rumors), and of

– Member of the Scientific Committee of the Agromafie Observatory (with lavish royalties). (2)

Federconsorzi 2, Hesiod Ltd. and the magic circle

Former Cassation Council member Fabrizio Di Marzio is also considered the creator of Esiodo S.r.l., headquartered in Palazzo Rospigliosi, established on 7/31/19 by sole shareholder Germina Campus SpA. In turn 100% owned by Coldiretti. (3) Sole director of Esiodo Srl is Raffaele Grandolini, the ubiquitous King Midas of Coldiretti. (4)

Esiodo Srl, registered capital 10,000, started operations on 25.1.21. And in less than four months he would send Consorzi Agrari d’Italia (CAI) S.p.A., a.k.a. Federconsorzi 2, a €2,000,000.00 (two million euros) ‘invoice’. By way of ‘corporate and organizational consultancy‘ which according to some rumors would be expressed in the threatening pressure on the directors of the Terrepadane and Umbria Agricultural Consortia, to induce them (unsuccessfully) to merge into CAI SpA.

Terrepadane, resilient farmers

The board of auditors of the Terrepadane Agricultural Consortium had presented to the Board of Directors, on 16.4.20, an entirely negative assessment – ‘unsupportable, risky and consequently censurable’ for reasons of law and merit (see Appendix) – on the possibility of selling its business units and real estate assets to Federconsorzi 2 (and CAI Real Estate Srl. See footnote 5). The following day, the Terrepadane Agricultural Consortium Board of Directors, called to decide on the CAI transaction, superseded and then voted NO to the merger. Palazzo Rospigliosi therefore decided to remove the ‘resistant farmers’.

Enlisting’ 700 new members – even without their own knowledge, with membership fees paid by Coldiretti, as reported by the newspaper ‘Liberty‘ (6) – the magic circle organized a list (never approved by the provincial board of Coldiretti Piacenza) in view of the elections for the new board, on 19.5.21. But neither the notarial powers of attorney carved around, nor the warnings (‘We’ll smash his bones,’ ‘we’ll have to break his legs.‘) that according to some sources Fabrizio Di Marzio and confederal delegate Giorgio Grenzi addressed to section presidents, on 10.5.21, neither the stalking toward members studded with phone calls and text messages were enough. (7)

AgriRevi, AIPO (Unaprol). Miserere

Meanwhile, the spring wind has blown away AgriRevi SpA. The firm charged with auditing Federconsorzi 2, the emblem of unpunished conflicts of interest, is remembered for, among other things, shareholders of the caliber of Coldiretti’s ‘chief jurist’ Fabrizio Di Marzio and Gabriele Papa Pagliardini, the DG of AGEA who will go down in history for having burned through 4 billion euros allocated by the EU for Italian farmers (8.9).

Liquidator of AgriRevi S.p.A. is such Roberto Falcone. He was also appointed liquidator of AIPO (Italian Olive Producers Association). 50 thousand euros/year compensation for the two positions. AIPO is a cooperative affiliated with and financed by Unaprol ScpA (Consorzio Olivicolo Italiano, headquartered at Palazzo Rospigliosi) with about €3.5 million/year donated by AGEA’s Papa Pagliardini.

The band of liquidators, Rotten Water

The three characters Roberto Falcone, Giuseppina Ivone and Fabrizio Di Marzio – as well as linking CAI SpA and Esiodo Srl with Coldiretti, AgriRevi with AGEA, AIPO and Unaprol – are linked by a thread, described in detail in L’Espresso’s 5-page investigation (10) and Domani. ‘Giusy Ivone, a renowned court-appointed lawyer, has set up a practice in Rome shared with colleague Fabrizio Di Marzio, co-director with Giuseppe Conte of the magazine Giustizia civile.com‘. (11)

All allegedly received assignments and ‘mind-boggling consulting’ in the operations of Fabrizio Centofanti, the ‘lobbyist’ for Acqua Marcia SpA of the Caltagirone family. (12,13) Falcone, Ivone and Di Marzio possibly also in the liquidation of Angelini SpA and other entrepreneurs, following the same script. The former enters and supports the latter as a legal representative of some entity, only to be reciprocated by assignment to third consultant(s), friend(s) of the former. (14)

#CleanSpades, if not now when?

Dario Dongo

Attached Consorzio Agrario Terrepadane, note 16.4.20 from the Board of Auditors to the Board of Directors.


(1) Dario Dongo. Federconsorzi 2 aka CAI SpA, some clarity. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade). 3/15/21, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/idee/federconsorzi-2-alias-cai-spa-un-po-di-chiarezza

(2) The BoD of the Agromafie Observatory. – the ‘Soviet missile shield’ whose founding, in 2014, is attributed to a suggestion by Luca Palamara – is composed of Ettore Prandini (president, also in Coldiretti), Vincenzo Gesmundo (vice-president, as well as secretary general of Coldiretti) and Raffaele Grandolini (head of Administration, Finance and General Affairs of Coldiretti. See note 4)

(3) Germina Campus S.p.A., share capital €15.492 million, is the safe of the ‘agricultural union’ Coldiretti, which is its sole shareholder. Its BoD is composed, ça va sans dir, of Ettore Prandini president, Raffaele Grandolini managing director, Vincenzo Gesmundo director (Coldiretti secretary general). Owner of Palazzo Rospigliosi, GerCam SpA boasts among other things:

– almost all (96.2%) of the shares in Green Assicurazioni Srl,

– the majority stake (44 percent) in Filiera Agricola Italiana SpA, tied with SCCA p.a. (Società Consortile dei Consorzi Agrari per azioni),

– The incorporation in 2016 of Edizioni Tellus S.r.l., owner of the ‘Impresa Verde Coldiretti’ trademark

(4) Dario Dongo. Federconsorzi 2, CAI SpA, AgriRevi, Coldiretti. The jerk dinner. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 31.1.21, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/idee/federconsorzi-2-cai-spa-agrirevi-coldiretti-la-cena-dei-cretini

(5) Dario Dongo. Federconsorzi 2 and CAI Real Estate, the real estate treasures of the Agricultural Consortia. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 3/27/21, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/idee/federconsorzi-2-e-cai-real-estate-i-tesori-immobiliari-dei-consorzi-agrari

(6) Dario Dongo. Coldiretti, many members and some doubts. #CleanSpades. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 4/15/21, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/idee/coldiretti-tanti-soci-e-alcuni-dubbi-vanghepulite

(7) Giuseppe Romagnoli. The “Terrepadane” agricultural consortium remains in Piacenza. Piacenza. 5/19/21, https://www.ilpiacenza.it/economia/il-consorzio-agrario-terrepadane-rimane-piacentino.html

(8) Dario Dongo. AGEA – Coldiretti, European Commission rejects conflict of interest. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade).
3/24/21, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/progresso/agea-coldiretti-la-commissione-europea-boccia-il-conflitto-d-interessi

(9) Dario Dongo. Coldiretti and Unaprol. The uncertain fate of public funds intended for Italian olive growers. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 6.2.21, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/idee/coldiretti-e-unaprol-il-destino-incerto-di-fondi-pubblici-destinati-agli-olivicoltori-italiani

(10) Vittorio Malagutti and Carlo Tecce. Centofanti for an Earl. The Express, 5/16/21

(11) Emiliano Fittipaldi. Consulting and luxury hotels: here are Giuseppe Conte’s secret deals. Tomorrow. 4/27/21 (updated 4/28/21). https://www.editorialedomani.it/politica/italia/giuseppe-conte-affari-indagato-piero-amara-eni-caltagirone-rmkx4qsj

(12) Conte attacks Tomorrow: “You defame me.” But he confirms the mind-boggling consultations. Tomorrow. 4/28/21, https://www.editorialedomani.it/politica/italia/conte-attacca-domani-ma-conferma-consulenze-capogiro-piero-amara-eni-caltagirone-h3iyl6wm

(13) Giulia Merlo. The minutes of the scandals: everyone knew, no one talked. Tomorrow. 4/30/21 (updated 5/13/21). https://www.editorialedomani.it/giustizia/i-verbali-degli-scandali-tutti-sapevano-nessuno-parlava-ivzbh8eq?fbclid=IwAR1zw3hNCiMvY16qANtp-25CDc-9BynI-veWuCGR-ZBx-WKPlV19SwqOlpo

(14) The various assignments that led Giusy Ivone, Fabrizio Di Marzio and Roberto Falcone to the court of Palazzo Rospigliosi, perhaps coincidentally, largely predate the Council Presidency of Prof. Advocate Giuseppe Conte (2019-2020)

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.