From nutritional wellness to nutrition education. It is a broad scenario proposed by ‘Alimentare’, the conference organized in Bologna on 13.4.19 by MEP Marco Zullo (M5S, EFDD Group), a member of the Agriculture Committee in the European Parliament. (1) Who, at the turn of the legislature, invited a number of agriculture and food enthusiasts to a panel discussion.
Sharing for change
The aim of the conference is to share experiences gained over the years. The challenge to innovate the system, in agriculture and food. It is time to contribute to the development of an economy that is healthy in all respects, putting the individual at the center of the entire supply chain.
Dario Dongo
, PhD in European food law, focuses his talk on the bottom-up pressure that is forcing a paradigm shift on the entire supply chain. ‘
Clean label
, equity and transparency, sustainable agriculture and democratization of organic.
The other speakers, who will offer their experience and propose virtuous course changes, are
Dario Voltolini
– Writer
Paolo Carnemolla
– FederBio President
Lorenzo Bracco
– Physician, Psychotherapist, Philosopher
Filippo Briguglio
– Full Professor University of Bologna
Franco Zecchinato
– Humus Social Agricultural Network
Participation in the event is free with prior reservation. Appointment at the Museum of Modern Art, MAMbo Lecture Hall, in Bologna.
(1) Marco Zullo, it may be recalled, recently followed up on our complaint against the European Commission regarding the use of cbd and hemp oil in cosmetics and foods.