On the 10th anniversary of UNESCO recognition (16.11.19), the first digital museum of the Mediterranean diet is put online. A collage of videos dedicated to the lifestyle, as well as diet, widely recognized in the scientific literature as well. (1)
The digital museum of the Mediterranean diet
The museum on the web –
Mediterranean Diet Virtual Museum
– was created by MedEatResearch of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, together with the University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza, and funded by the Campania Region. Founded and directed by anthropologists Elisabetta Moro and Marino Niola, MedEatResearch is Italy’s first university research center specifically dedicated to the Mediterranean Diet.
The site offers a journey into the universe of the Mediterranean diet through a collection of videos. Pills of remembrance are offered by centenarians from Campania’s Cilento region (in the ‘Living Libraries’ category), who narrate in simple words their lives and the eating habits that brought them to the threshold of a century of life. Plus, star chefs, more or less well-known experts in agribusiness and the art of eating well to live long healthy lives.
‘Onewill be able to discover Eduardo De Filippo’s ragu recipe or Concetta Barra’s,’ says Marino Niola, co-director of the Mediterranean Diet Virtual Museum, together with Elisabetta Moro, about the content of the virtual museum.
From Ancel Keys’ research to the food pyramid
‘The Seven Countries Study’-the study led by Ancel Keys that first investigated the relationship between cardiovascular disease and lifestyle and diet-is passionately recounted by one of its protagonists, Italian researcher Alessandro Menotti. In the extensive roundup of testimonies found on the website, in the ‘Pioneers’ area.
Notions and explanations about the Mediterranean diet, the food pyramid, the role of grains and legumes in the diet and more alternate with the voices and faces of those still studying its benefits and dedicated to promoting it around the world. In a melting pot of professional experiences and qualifications ranging from science and medicine to art and cooking.
An intangible heritage of humanity not to be lost sight of, as is unfortunately happening in the very countries where it has become established. Where, as it turns out, it is precisely the Mediterranean countries that today have the highest incidence of childhood obesity and related diseases, diabetes mellitus in primis.
(1) See previous articles on this topic, following the link https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/?s=dieta+mediterranea
Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".