Organic food to mitigate global warming


Eating organically grown foods helps counter global warming. Bringing attention to this additional benefit of choosing organic is the report
Food & Climate: Connecting the Dots, Choosing the Way Forward
published in March 2014 by the U.S. nongovernmental organization The Center for Food Safety.

In addition to eliminating pesticide-related risks-such as residues in food and groundwater contamination-organic production methods qualify for lower fossil energy consumption, 30-50 percent less than those using chemically synthesized substances and veterinary drugs, in agriculture and animal husbandry. In agriculture, organic contributes to soil fertility, as opposed to so-called conventional techniques that tend to deplete the soil instead. Not insignificant elements, considering that food overall participates in 44-45% of greenhouse gas emissions.

The violent effects of global warming are being felt on every Continent. To alleviate the causal burden, the U.S. Association. therefore calls for optimizing purchasing choices, preferring organic and being wary of the easy but unproven promises of GMOs.

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