Palm-gate, analysis confirms the dangerousness of the most popular cookies, snacks and infant milk on the market. AltroConsumo raises the alarm, no palm for children


The test of 9 is served. Palm oil used in some of the best-selling products contains contaminants that are carcinogenic as well as toxic to the testes and kidneys, often exceeding safe thresholds. This is shown by laboratory tests conducted by Altroconsumo on snacks and cookies, potato chips, and baby milk. Children and adolescents the most vulnerable groups.

The results of the analysis, published on June 16, 2016 by the first consumer association in Italy show once again that the danger is real and threatens the health of the population on a daily basis. The crisis situation must be addressed on a par with any serious food safety risk. Not only in Europe-where starvation still reigns-but also in Italy, for the dutiful protection of public health, of the youngest children in particular.

“The new safety threshold set by the European Food Safety Authority’s Expert Panel on Contaminants for 3-MCPD, a kidney- and testicle-toxic contaminant, is always exceeded in the diet of infants fed exclusively on formula milk. It is also easily at risk of being exceeded in the diets of children and adolescents who consume more than one snack or snack combined with a few cookies or a packet of chips in a day. Not only that, in some cookies and snacks, and always in chips, we have found GE contaminants that the European Authority classifies as potentially carcinogenic,” says Altroconsumo.

The big palm users could not have been unaware, it has been said and repeated (1). The fairy tale of the good and sustainable palm is now disbelieved even by children (2). And to the repeated pleas of Great Italian Food Trade (3) and Il Fatto Alimentare are joined today by Altroconsumo.

Managing a food security crisis that puts the health of infants, children and adolescents at risk is now imperative and urgent. Responsibility rests ‘first and foremost’ with manufacturers of foods containing palm fat, according to reg. EC 178/02 (Articles 14, 19). In default, it will be up to the health institutions to intervene without further delay.

Dario Dongo

1 –‘big-food’-had-known-for-a-dozen-years-about-the-danger-cancer-and-genotoxicity-for-children-and-adolescents

2 –“ article-of-great-italian-food-trade-“palm-leaks-multinationals-know”

3 –

Dario Dongo
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Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.