Civil society-through a network of 69 associations, including PAN (Pesticides Action Network) Europe, ISDE (Physicians for the Environment) and Égalité – expresses heartfelt support for the outline report on the proposed Regulation (1) for the sustainable use of pesticides (SUR, Sustainable Use of Pesticide) signed by MEP Sara Wiener.
Sustainable use of pesticides, civil society is paying attention
69 European organizations involved in public health protection and the environment, sustainable development and agroecology are closely following the policy debate now underway in the European Parliament’s ENVI(Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) Committee.
MEP Sarah Wiener (Austria, Green Group) today presents the draft report on the European Commission’s proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation on the sustainable use of agrochemicals (SUR), reforming Regulation (EU) 2021/2115.
Wiener Report
This draft regulation-the only hope for the salvation of European citizens and ecosystems-has been and still is the subject of various boycott attempts by Big Ag lobbies and agricultural confederations in conflict of interest with their own members.
The position presented by MEP Wiener to the European Parliament’s Referral Committee (ENVI) expresses important progress, in addressing the biodiversity crisis and the urgent need for action to ensure water and food safety.
Moreover, this reading is the only one that is in line with the principles expressed in the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) Save Bees and Farmers, which has collected more than 1.1 million signatures and is still awaiting due feedback from the European Commission. (2)
Binding targets for reducing synthetic pesticides
Binding targets to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are a prerequisite for addressing the emergence of the collapse of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services, as well as the health of citizens. It is therefore indispensable:
- follow up today on the Wiener report on the SUR proposal and the binding disurreg reduction targets for agrotoxics contained therein,
- Support the ecological transition in agriculture, to be entrusted only to the inputs now allowed in organic production systems (see paragraph 5 previous article)
- Pursue theEuropean Citizens Initiative (ECI) Save Bees and Farmers, to achieve the reduction of all pesticides by – 80 percent by 2030 and the complete elimination of synthetic agrochemicals by 2035,
- Fund research on agronomic practices and inputs consistent with agroecology, in line with FAO recommendations (2019).
FAO, IPCC, IPBES Recommendations. Scientific support
The Wiener report, it should be noted, is also in line with the recommendations of international agencies and a broad scientific community:
- FAO and other UN agencies, IPCC, IPBES, and other institutions emphasize that the status quo is not a viable option for safeguarding farmers’ profitability with respect to climate emergency, biodiversity, and safe drinking water (2,3,4,5),
- the urgency of defining the SUR with binding pesticide reduction targets is emphasized by 739 scientists in their call for measures consistent with health and environmental protection needs. (6)
Appeal to MEPs
Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation (SUR) is the pillar on which the Farm to Fork strategies are based,
Biodiversity 2030
Soil EU Strategies
. In addition to playing an essential role in helping to achieve the goals of the EU Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals in UN Agenda 2030
The ‘honorables’ are such only because of the votes of European citizens, who are very concerned about food security precisely because of pesticides and other agrotoxics (Eurostat 2021) that inexorably poison our waters and thus threaten the health of generations to come.
We call for a responsible vote, in the ENVI Committee and in the Assembly, in full support of the Wiener report. A vote consistent with basic human rights-to life and health first and foremost-and the sensitivity shown by European citizens, rather than the pesticide and seed monopolists and the shadowy agricultural lobbies that serve them.
#SDG3, Ensure Health and Well-being. #SDG12, Responsible Consumption and Production. #SDG13, Climate Change. #SDG14, Life Below Water. #SDG15, Life on Land.
Dario Dongo
Attachment: Letter of Support – For a strong SUR
(1) Dario Dongo, Marta Strinati. Sustainable pesticide use, civil society demands for reform. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade) 4.9.22
(2) Marta Strinati. Green light for the Save the Bees initiative. GIFT(Great Italian Food Trade) 10.10.22
(2) The state of the world’s biodiversity for food and agriculture – FAO
(3) Climate change and land. IPCC
(4) Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and ESS – IPBES
(5) Agriculture at a Crossroads – IAASTD report
(6) Scientists call for ambitious SUR
Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.