EIC, European Innovation Council. The first funding calls


The European Innovation Council, EIC, has published its first calls for funding. The body is one of the backbones of the new Horizon Europe program and aims to identify and support innovative technologies and breakthrough innovations with the potential to expand internationally and become market leaders.

EIC supports all stages of innovation from research and development to the science behind innovative technologies, to validation and demonstration of breakthrough technologies and innovations to meet real-world needs, to the development and scaling of startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

EIC, the calls in three schemes

Funding and support are organized into three main funding schemes:

1) EIC Pathfinder for advanced research to develop the scientific basis for supporting innovative technologies;

2) EIC Transition to validate technologies and develop business plans for specific applications;

3) EIC Accelerator to support companies (SMEs, startups, spin-outs and, in exceptional cases, small mid-caps) to bring their innovations to market and foster scalability.

In each case, direct financial support for “innovators” is enhanced with access to a range of business acceleration services.

The ‘open’ calls

Most of the funding will be allocated through open calls (‘Open Funding’) without predefined thematic priorities and are designed to enable support for all technologies and innovations that cut across different scientific, technological, sectoral and application fields or represent new combinations.

The ‘closed’ notices

Closed calls (‘EIC Strategic Challenges‘) fund specific strategic priorities and complement open calls.

Further details can be found in the EIC Work Program which can be accessed here.

Our WIISE team is available for strategic and regulatory advice-as well as market analysis and communication-for companies and consortia wishing to apply their projects to the funding calls under consideration.

Andrea Adelmo Della Penna
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Graduated in Food Technologies and Biotechnologies, qualified food technologist, he follows the research and development area. With particular regard to European research projects (in Horizon 2020, PRIMA) where the FARE division of WIISE Srl, a benefit company, participates.