Organic wine, FederBio and UIV launch partnership


FederBio and Unione Italiana Vini (UIV) kick off a partnership to promote authentic Italian wine according to nature, organic and biodynamic. A Made in Italy jewel in formidable growth.

Federbio and UIV, a valuable tandem for Italian organic wine

The two historic organizations share the goal of protecting and improving the environment, which is still plagued by the abuse of agrotoxics partly due to viticulture, as we reported. (1) And to concretely support Italian organic wine production.

The agenda of the agreement between FederBio and UIV contemplates pressing challenges, such as:

– conserve and increase biodiversity, including by converting Made in Italy food to organic,

– To invest in the quality and authenticity of wine produced in Italy by organic and biodynamic methods, regulated and certified,

– Support the internationalization of Italian organic wine enterprises.

The tandem work will be developed through design, dissemination, technical, training and promotional initiatives in Italy and abroad, including within the agribusiness trade fair systems.

Organic wines, the surge in sales in Italy

Organic wine is also beginning to spread in Italy on the shelves of large-scale retail trade (GDO). With exponential growth, 35.2 million euros in the first 8 months of 2019, +363% compared to 2016 (Nomisma Bio Observatory data).

Organic wines and sparkling wines record a surge in sales across all channels, both in terms of sales (+38.6 percent in 2018) and market share of the total (+1.4 percent. Sinab data, National Information System on Organic Agriculture).

Italian vineyards increasingly organic

Italy is first in Europe in terms of the share of organic vineyards in the total vineyard area. The current incidence of 15.8 percent descends from a decade of inexorable increase in conversions to organic. In the last 8 years, organic vineyards have more than doubled (up 107%, from 2011 to 2018. Federbio data).

Organic farming is increasingly being identified as an advanced method that helps to enhance the quality of wines, particularly when we are talking about wines linked to the territory, even in small appellations. Given the complexity and breadth of the development goals of national organic and biodynamic viticulture, it is important to activate forms of collaboration and synergies such as that with the Italian Wine Union. This agreement aims to preserve and improve the quality of the rural environment and strengthen the competitive and innovation capacity of Italian enterprises in the sector through the development of organic farming‘ (Maria Grazia Mammuccini, president of FederBio)

Italian Wine Union in turn is committed to providing its unique industry expertise for ‘To promote the excellence of Italian wine in all its aspects and to constantly adapt to the new sensitivity of consumers who are increasingly attentive to sustainable and environmentally friendly consumption‘ (Ernesto Abbona, President of UIV).


(1) FederBio is the national federation of organic operators and has been protecting and enhancing organic and biodynamic agriculture in Italy for more than 27 years. UIV, Unione Italiana Vini, is the most representative association of the national wine industry,

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".