A vegan month. Veganuary’s invitation


Experiment with the vegan diet for the entire month of January. The British association Veganuary–crasis of vegan and January–invites omnivores around the world to usher in the New Year with an all-vegetarian diet.

The vegan conversion campaign has been repeated every January since 2014. With a total participation so far estimated at about one million people in 192 countries.

A vegan month, why?

Living vegan for a month, at least in food consumption, is a way to help protect the environment and animals, according to Veganuary.

The impact of the initiative, calculated by Dr. Helen Harwatt of Harvard University‘s Animal Law and Policy program, can be estimated over 8 years in the savings of:

– 103,840 tons of CO2eq (equivalent to 15,000 laps around the world in a car),

– 405 tons of PO43-eq (eutrophication), which is equivalent to 1,645 tons less wastewater,

– 6.2 million liters of water, equivalent to half a million toilet flushes.

According to Veganalyser calculations by the Vegan Society, the lives of about 3.4 million animals would also be saved.

Veganuary, long-term goals

Engaging omnivores to feed in the shoes of vegans for a month is a strategic proselytizing operation, for the vegan community. In view of long-term goals that aspire to achieve‘a world without animal farms and slaughterhouses’.

‘Aworld where food production does not decimate forests, pollute rivers and oceans, exacerbate climate change or lead to the extinction of wildlife populations,’ the association says.

Veganuary testimonials

Veganuary ambassadors grow, as the ngo’s website indicates. It includes well-known faces who are sensitive to the fate of the planet and animals. Here is an invitation from two artists.

If you look at the climate crisis or the violence of our food system and feel helpless, thinking ‘I wish there was something I could do’-you can do it. Right now. Sign up to try vegan this January‘ (Joaquin Rafael Phoenix, actor)

I have been a vegetarian for over 40 years because I believe that every meatless meal is a victory for animals and the planet. This is why I started Meat Free Monday with my daughters Mary and Stella, and it is also why I support Veganuary. We are all trying to make the world a little better, so why not sign up, participate, give it a try and see how you feel?‘ (Paul McCartney, musician)

Vegan diet and balance

The vegan diet, for a month or forever, requires care in food selection. Plant proteins, as noted above, are suitable for supplementing everyone’s needs. However, attention should not be lost on their adequate daily intake, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, iron, calcium and vitamin D. (1)

Attention should also be paid to the choice of convenience foods and packaged snacks. The big junk food industry has unfortunately targeted vegetarians and vegans as well, proposing ultra-processed HFSS(High in Fats, Sugar and Sodium) foods as suitable for a Veg diet. That is, with excessive contents of fat, sugar, and especially salt, as had already emerged in our market survey.

Marta Strinati


(1) The ABCs for a balanced vegan and vegetarian diet, based on nutritional guidelines, at https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/covid-19-la-spesa-intelligente-per-vegetariani-e-vegani

Marta Strinati
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Professional journalist since January 1995, he has worked for newspapers (Il Messaggero, Paese Sera, La Stampa) and periodicals (NumeroUno, Il Salvagente). She is the author of journalistic surveys on food, she has published the book "Reading labels to know what we eat".